Currently, Owl Ridge is working with the U. S. Forest Service and Winter Park Resort to prepare Categorical Exclusions (CATEX) documentation and an Environmental Assessment (EA) for planned future projects at the Resort. Winter Park Resort has proposed projects for Forest Service approval to address long-standing issues and needs at the resort. Projects focus on Read More
Lower 48
Eastern Oregon Red Fox Genetics Study
Owl Ridge staff have been conducting a long-term study to determine the genetic affinity (native vs non-native) of red foxes in Eastern Oregon. The methodology involved collecting tissue, hair, and scat samples from fox populations located throughout Eastern Oregon and analyzing both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to determine which populations are composed of native foxes Read More
Washington State Park Bat Surveys
Owl Ridge conducted a visual and acoustical bat survey to support Washington State Parks in natural resource planning for the Saint Edward State Park in Kenmore, WA. The purpose of this survey was to identify high-use bat feeding areas and potential day-roost sites in the 316-acre forested park to provide needed baseline data relative to Read More
Powder River Basin EIS & Regulatory Support
Owl Ridge staff managed the preparation of an EIS that evaluated the proposed development of an additional 50,000 oil and gas wells on federal, state, and private lands that cover an area of 8 million acres. Following the BLM’s decision on the development. Additional Owl Ridge staff provided regulatory and contractual oversight for surface use Read More
Winter Park Resort Downhill Mountain Bike Expansion Project
As a third-party contractor to the U.S. Forest Service and Winter Park Resort, Owl Ridge prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA), Biological Assessment (BA), two Biological Evaluations (BE), and the draft Decision Notice/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Winter Park Resort’s planned expansion and improvement to its Trestle Bike Park on the Arapaho and Roosevelt Read More
Intermountain West Biological Assessments
Owl Ridge staff have extensive experience preparing Section 7 BAs for threatened and endangered species under the auspices of the USFWS and BEs addressing Forest Service sensitive species. Owl Ridge has addressed impacts to local wildlife from ski resort expansion, hydroelectric power projects, highway improvements, transmission lines, and forest practices relevant to montane species such Read More