Owl Ridge staff supports water permitting for lake water and ice withdrawal on the North Slope. Our services includes preparing applications and tracking, managing, and obtaining Alaska Department of Fish and Game fish habitat permits, Alaska Department of Natural Resources temporary water use authorizations, and Bureau of Land Management approvals, evaluating lake bathymetry and fish Read More
North Slope
Point Hope Fish Monitoring
Owl Ridge fisheries biologists are conducting an ongoing study of Marryat Lagoon fish resources. The lagoon is located on the Chukchi coast at Point Hope, Alaska. The goal of the study is to identify the primary fish species harvested by Point Hope residents and to collect fish presence and population structure data. The long-term goal Read More
North Slope Offshore Seismic Support
Owl Ridge provided regulatory and stakeholder engagement support for TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company (TGS) during 2018 and 2019 for a potential offshore exploration seismic survey. Regulatory support included a National Marine Fisheries Service Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) application and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Letter of Authorization (LOA) request, including marine mammal monitoring and mitigation plans Read More
North Slope Stream & Lake Surveys
Infrastructure planning, design and construction that protects fish and aquatic habitats, and that meets state, local and federal requirements is a priority of oil and gas companies operating on the North Slope. Owl Ridge fisheries biologists conduct fish sampling in streams throughout the open-water season across a large area of the Arctic Coastal Plain to Read More
Project Management for Aki Drilling Program
Owl Ridge provided whole project management for Royale’s Aki Exploration and Evaluation Project, which was Royale’s first exploration drilling project in Alaska. This North Slope project was adjacent to the Colville River. Under Owl Ridge management, Royale conducted a 3D seismic survey and prepared for a drilling program. Royale does not have local staff and Read More
North Slope Oil & Gas Exploration Support
Tulimaniq Owl Ridge conducted the permitting and regulatory support for a complex exploration project, 120 miles from infrastructure on Alaska’s North Slope. The project required construction of 120 miles of ice road, an ice island, and 5,000-ft ice airstrip in Smith Bay, and complex logistics for the movement and storage of equipment and fuel. The Read More
Alaska Subsea Cable-Lay Operations Support
In 2016 and 2017, Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC installed a subsea fiber optic cable network along the northern and western coasts of Alaska to provide high-speed internet connectivity to six rural Alaska communities. Offshore cable-lay operations were conducted in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. Owl Ridge managed the PSO Program during both open water Read More