Public Involvement & Stakeholder Relations
Public involvement is a vital and sensitive element for a successful project. Owl Ridge has a reputation for effectively and respectfully engaging the public and stakeholders on projects, especially highly visible and complex projects. Owl Ridge’s extensive experience with multiple and varied methods of communication allow relationships to be established and maintained.
Methods of Communication Include:
- Direct communication
- Public meetings
- Project-specific websites
- Newsletters
- Public notices
- Project mailings
- Surveys
Owl Ridge regularly develops project-specific Public Involvement Plans. These plans focus on clarifying and driving meaningful and sustained participation and interaction, building trust among stakeholders, and mitigating opposition.
Public Involvement Plans Establish Effective Tools and Strategies to Successfully and Proactively Manage:
- Public input and concerns
- Tribal consultation
- Technical review
- Public/media relations
Owl Ridge has facilitated and incorporated public involvement and managed voluminous public comments. We have supported large, high-profile projects and planned and organized numerous public scoping meetings as well as public review and comment periods to comply with NEPA requirements.