The proposed Donlin Gold project includes development of an open pit, hardrock gold mine in remote southwestern Alaska. Supporting features and facilities include camps, roads, barge port on the Kuskokwim River, and a 315-mile buried natural gas pipeline. Owl Ridge staff have supported the project planning and permit application process for 20 years including technical expertise and/or technical review for:
- Biological Resource Evaluation for pipeline alternatives across the Susitna Flats State Game Refuge
- Biological Resource Evaluation of alternative compressor station locations
- Cultural Resource Planning
- Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 Biological Assessments (BA) addressing 16 species under the National Marine Fisheries Service jurisdiction and 6 species under U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service jurisdiction with regard to four barging routes – offshore oceanic, inshore oceanic, river route, and across Cook Inlet
- Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
- GIS and Database Management
- Kuskokwim River Juvenile Salmon Investigation
- Kuskokwim River Rainbow Smelt Migration Surveys
- Methods to Avoid or Mitigate Effects to the Iditarod National Historic Trail
- Public Easement Planning
- Raptor Surveys
- Responses to agency Request for Aadditional Information on Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit Applications
- Waterfowl Surveys and Evaluation of Seasonal Use Patterns