A team lead by Owl Ridge staff prepared and managed an EIS for a proposed natural gas exploration project in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. The EIS was completed and a Record of Decision was issued in 15 months. The effort included design and integration of key mitigation measures to address issues raised in the Read More
Cook Inlet Seismic Regulatory Support
Owl Ridge prepared IHA applications for SAExploration, Inc.’s proposed 2014 seismic operations in Cook Inlet, Alaska, addressing NMFS jurisdiction of marine mammals and USFWS jurisdiction of sea otters. Owl Ridge also prepared a BA addressing Steller’s eiders.
Project Management for Aki Drilling Program
Owl Ridge provided whole project management for Royale’s Aki Exploration and Evaluation Project, which was Royale’s first exploration drilling project in Alaska. This North Slope project was adjacent to the Colville River. Under Owl Ridge management, Royale conducted a 3D seismic survey and prepared for a drilling program. Royale does not have local staff and Read More
Cook Inlet Marine Mammal Support
Owl Ridge provided marine mammal support services for Buccaneer Alaska Operations, LLC (Buccaneer) for drilling operations at the Cosmopolitan lease site in Cook Inlet, Alaska, to ensure compliance with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the USFWS regulations and permit conditions. Owl Ridge prepared two IHA applications addressing marine mammals and a biological assessment addressing Read More
North Slope Oil & Gas Exploration Support
Tulimaniq Owl Ridge conducted the permitting and regulatory support for a complex exploration project, 120 miles from infrastructure on Alaska’s North Slope. The project required construction of 120 miles of ice road, an ice island, and 5,000-ft ice airstrip in Smith Bay, and complex logistics for the movement and storage of equipment and fuel. The Read More
Cook Inlet Oil & Gas Regulatory Risk
Owl Ridge conducted a desktop regulatory risk analysis for Buccaneer’s Cosmopolitan oil and gas development project in Cook Inlet, Alaska. The objective was to identify potential permitting and environmental issues that could result in a schedule or regulatory approval risk to the project. The project consisted of two components: offshore oil and gas leases and Read More
Donlin Gold NEPA Analysis, Wildlife & Aquatic Monitoring, & EIS Support
The proposed Donlin Gold project includes development of an open pit, hardrock gold mine in remote southwestern Alaska. Supporting features and facilities include camps, roads, barge port on the Kuskokwim River, and a 315-mile buried natural gas pipeline. Owl Ridge staff have supported the project planning and permit application process for 20 years including technical Read More
Alaska Subsea Cable-Lay Operations Support
In 2016 and 2017, Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC installed a subsea fiber optic cable network along the northern and western coasts of Alaska to provide high-speed internet connectivity to six rural Alaska communities. Offshore cable-lay operations were conducted in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. Owl Ridge managed the PSO Program during both open water Read More
Doyon Seismic Surveys, Exploration Drilling, & Operations
Owl Ridge provided strategic planning, managed the regulatory process, and conducted field environmental compliance for oil and gas exploration programs in the Nenana Basin and Yukon Flats from 2011 through 2018. The programs included: 2D and 3D seismic programs, lake gas sampling, and drilling of three oil and gas exploration wells. Owl Ridge services included Read More